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Seven of Wands Tarot Meanings

Seven of Wands Meaning

Seven of Wands is a card of courage, perseverance, and standing your ground. It represents a time when you are called to defend your position, maintain your values, and assert yourself in the face of challenges or competition. This card signifies the need to be bold, stay strong, and not back down from what you believe in, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Keywords (Upright): Courage, perseverance, standing ground, defence, determination, resilience, competition, assertiveness, challenge.

Seven of wands explained with top tarot readers.

Upright Seven of Wands Meanings


In its upright position, the Seven of Wands signifies a period where you must stand firm and defend your position. Whether you’re facing competition, opposition, or criticism, this card encourages you to hold your ground and not let others undermine your efforts or beliefs. It’s a sign that you may have reached a point of success or visibility, which has naturally attracted challenges. Now is the time to be assertive, maintain your confidence, and push through with determination. This card acknowledges that while the path may not be easy, you have the strength and perseverance to overcome obstacles.

Love and Romance

In love and romance, the Seven of Wands suggests that you may be facing challenges or opposition in your relationship. If you’re in a partnership, this card points to a need to defend your relationship against external influences or conflicts. There might be situations where you and your partner need to stand together and assert your boundaries to protect your bond. For singles, it indicates a time of competition, where you may feel the need to stand out and assert your worth in the dating scene. This card reminds you to stay true to yourself and not compromise your values for the sake of pleasing others.

Relationships (Family, Friends)

When it comes to friendships and family, the Seven of Wands indicates a time of standing up for your beliefs and asserting your boundaries. You may find yourself in situations where you need to defend your viewpoint or actions, even if it causes tension. This card encourages open and honest communication while maintaining a firm stance on what you believe is right. It suggests that while the road may be bumpy, standing up for yourself will ultimately strengthen your relationships and command respect

Brief Meaning For The Seven of Wands

Overall, the Seven of Wands suggests that the person is facing challenges or conflicts and that they are struggling to defend their beliefs or position. It is a challenging and difficult card that suggests that the person is facing struggles and conflicts in their life and that they or need to find a way to stand up for themselves and assert their beliefs in order to move forward.

Seven of Wands Reversed, explained by psychic4cast

Reversed Seven of Wands Meanings


When reversed, the Seven of Wands suggests feelings of being overwhelmed or defeated. You may be struggling to maintain your position, feeling outnumbered, or doubting your ability to overcome the challenges you face. This card in reverse can indicate a lack of confidence, where the pressure becomes too much, and you are tempted to back down or give up. It encourages you to reassess the situation, identify where you might be spreading yourself too thin, and consider whether it’s time to stand firm or step back to regroup and regain your strength

Love and Romance

In love readings, the reversed Seven of Wands indicates potential struggles in your romantic life. If you’re in a relationship, it suggests that ongoing conflicts or external pressures are causing you to feel worn out or defeated. There may be a sense of surrendering to the situation rather than actively defending your relationship. For singles, this card points to a lack of confidence or fear of competition, which may be holding you back from putting yourself out there. It’s a reminder to work on building self-assurance and not let setbacks undermine your self-worth.

Relationships (Family, Friends)

In friendships and family dynamics, the reversed Seven of Wands points to feelings of defeat, insecurity, or an inability to maintain your boundaries. You may feel like you’re constantly under pressure to defend your viewpoint, leading to exhaustion or the desire to withdraw. This card suggests that it might be time to take a step back, reassess the situation, and focus on self-care. It’s okay to pick your battles wisely and recognize when it’s best to let go of a conflict that is draining your energy.

Brief Meaning For The Reversed Seven of Wands

Overall, the reversed Seven of Wands suggests that the person is avoiding or backing down from conflicts or challenges in their life, and is struggling to find the confidence and conviction needed to stand up for themselves. It can be a sign that the person needs to find ways to rebuild their confidence and assert themselves in order to overcome any challenges or conflicts.

Key Takeaways

  • The Upright Seven of Wands represents courage, perseverance, and the determination to stand your ground. It encourages you to assert your beliefs, maintain your boundaries, and push through obstacles with strength and confidence.
  • In the Reversed position, it signals feelings of defeat, overwhelm, or insecurity. It urges you to assess whether to continue defending your position or step back to regain your energy and clarity.
  • Spiritual Compatibility: Upright, suggests a relationship that requires perseverance and mutual support in facing challenges; reversed, indicates struggles with confidence or spiritual disconnection.
  • Astrological Compatibility: Linked with Leo and other Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius) for their assertiveness and courage. Reversed, it highlights potential difficulties with feeling overshadowed or overwhelmed in these relationships.
  • Crystals: Use Tiger’s Eye, Black Tourmaline, and Carnelian for courage and protection in the upright state; Lepidolite, Smoky Quartz, and Amethyst for balance and grounding in the reversed state.
  • Element: The card’s element is Fire, symbolizing assertiveness, strength, and the energy to face challenges, whether currently standing strong or needing to reconnect with inner courage.


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