A medium can access information beyond the physical senses, often using visions, intuitive impressions, or communication with spirit guides. By channelling their energy, mediums connect with these spiritual forces, which helps them receive messages from beyond. These messages can provide valuable insights into a person’s past, present, and future.

Mediums are recognized for their ability to “see” beyond the ordinary. They often describe their experiences as receiving vivid images, colours, or symbols of deep meaning. For instance, a medium may have a significant vision related to a particular location or event in the client’s life during a reading.

Through this spiritual connection, mediums can offer guidance on important life decisions, relationships, and personal challenges. An example of how a medium might work is during a session in which they connect with a client’s spirit guides. These guides, often perceived as benevolent entities, provide wisdom and advice regarding the client’s life path.

In this role, the medium acts as a bridge, conveying messages from the guides and helping the individual make informed choices about their future.