How To Determine If Your Partner Is Cheating
Many relationships go through difficult times at some point, but just because a relationship is feeling low or uncomfortable does not mean a partner is cheating.
To Determine if your partner is cheating, there are several ways you can use to set your mind at rest. One is to pay careful attention to your partner’s new habits or hire a private investigator, for example.
Could your previous relationship be responsible for your insecurities due to a similar issue? Let’s walk through some of the key giveaway factors that will help determine if your partner is cheating.
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Your Gut Feelings
Having a suspicious feeling in your gut could well be the beginning of an unpleasant time ahead. Many people ignore their gut feelings only to find out later down the line that their partner is cheating.
If only they just listened to their bodies’ communication, maybe it would have prevented some hurt along the way. However, relying on gut feelings alone is not good enough evidence.
Gathering tangible, strong evidence is what’s needed—evidence that your partner can not deny or have answers to.
Getting Evidence Of A Cheating Partner
Listen to what your friends and colleagues are saying. Sometimes being in the middle is difficult, but in some cases, people have caught a cheating partner because a friend or colleague was in the right place at the right time.
Gossip or Evidence
Let us be sensible when collecting all the facts. Yes, listen to the opinions of friends and colleagues, but you need to find real facts, not gossip or word of mouth. The last thing you need is a Jony Depp and Amber Heard scenario.

Paying The Price Of An Affair
People who have affairs are not good at covering them up, with many leaving evidence in plain sight. Hotel rooms require payment by credit card, as does long-stay vehicle parking. When it comes to it, affairs can be costly not just for the marriage breakup but also for the Bank balance.
The Price of Infidelity
Searching for the receipts in a place that can help you determine if your partner is cheating:
- In the Vehicle Glove Compartment, Floorwel, or Door Pocket.
- In Pockets Of The Clothing.
- In Wallet Or Purse.
- In a Handbag Or Briefcase.
- In Accountancy Records.
- In Trash Containers.
- On Mobile Phone.
- In Bank Statements.
If a purchase of any kind was required you are more than able to find the transaction, even if a cash withdrawal has been made, you’ll find it.
Playtime Is Over- My Partner Is Cheating
One of the most significant signs that a partner is being unfaithful can be seen in the bedroom with the change of sexual activity. This change can be a more adventurous activity, which could be attributed to the new lover or a complete lack of sexual activity.
In either case, it’s worthwhile asking your partner about the change in sexual activity. Don’t try an argumentative approach;askk why the change.
It’s time to formulate your plan if you are not happy with your spouse’s bedroom conduct. Start to now accept that it’s possible your partner is cheating on you.
Changes In Communication
If your partner changes the way he/ she talks to you, this is never a good sign and identifies that something is truly wrong within the relationship.
If you can identify some of the lists here, then think carefully as it could well indicate your partner is cheating on you.
- Being Extra Nice For No Reason
- Refuses To Talk About The Issue
- Changes The Subject
- Walks Away
- Has Defensive Body Language
- Has Agresive Manner
- Never Answers Your Phone Calls
- Drops Whats App Video Call.
Can you relate to any of the first signs of a cheating partner? If so it’s time to put it together some hard-hitting facts which prove your partner has been unfaithful past or present.
How Can You Tell If Your Partner Has Cheated
All the signs are in front of you and it’s like;y that your partner has made errors in trying to cover them up. As explained if a partner is cheating, then he or she will leave traces of this.
- Receipts.
- Phone Text Messages.
- Spending Anomalies.
- Change In Communication.
- Poor Time Keeping.
- Lost Or Increase Of Sexual Activity.
- Buying new clothing
- Unexpected appointments
These are some of the main giveaways to look out for which could suggest a partner has already cheated on you.
Confronting A Cheating Partner
So it’s a foregone concern that you have reasons to suspect your partner has indeed cheated on you, and now have the proof. Taking the full facts to hand, and arranging them in order of time, dates, and location if possible, will leave your partner with little time to deny the whole affair.
You need to be just as cunning as your partner when gathering and arranging all the evidence, before putting your findings in front of him or her. A good code of practice is to start to form the date you first suspected, and work backward, filling in any gaps with common knowledge.
Stand In front of your partner in a formidable posture whilst holding your notebook or findings This psychological approach will show your partner that you may be on to his or her affair.
Paying close attention to your partner’s sudden change in body language, or breathing pattern, could also be a sign of guilt.
Intensive staring is also a sign of guilt, it gives the impression he or she is listening, but in reality, suggests they are waiting in anticipation and hope that you have not discovered the affair.
Body Language Of Cheaters
When a person has something to hide the body language can be sued to either confirm or disprove any wrongdoings. Typically a cheating spouse or partner will show signs when being confronted.
Leaning Forward
This can look like your partner is listening, but they are just waiting in anticipation to see if he or she has been rumbled.
Eye Contact
No eye contact or intensive staring. Both ways show a deceptive trait. Not looking is commonly the key one associated with a head tilt towards the floor.
Hesitation In Speaking
Hesitations when returning answers is a red flag indicator of lies or well-scrited remarks. Cheaters will have an idea of what to say if confronted by one or both spouses.
Overacting when providing answers is a commone sign of hiding something. It's possible that both sides have planned for this event.
If a cheating partner starts to fidget whilst being confronted, then it's a sure sign of trying to cover something up.

Unsure If You're Being Cheated On?
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