How To Balance Your Life
Balance your life with chakra alignment, which helps to push out unwanted energy while setting your chakras so that your energy can flow naturally. The key benefits of alignment training include inducing an ‘a sense of being’, which can stimulate the soul and help you balance your life by providing stability through your core.
Let’s Start To Balance Your Life
Chakras can be thought of as energy centres that act like batteries for our life force. Energy constantly flows through them from above to below, but many people don’t realize it. The balance will be affected if the energy is blocked or the batteries run low.
When you start to understand how these energy points work and their influence on our lives, you will become more aware of how to stimulate and balance your life forces again.
Understanding The Chakras For Balance
The main chakras are located along the spine from the neck’s base to the head’s crown. They are numbered 1-7, starting with Muladhara.
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The root chakra, known as the Muladhara, is located at the base of the scrum. It is the root and foundation for all the chakras, providing control and feeding energy along with directional indicators. Associated with the colour Red, it is responsible for the overall communication with every chakra.
If this chakra is blocked, it will show a lack of stability because it will restrict the other chakras. When opened, all communications and a healthy flow of energy to all chakras will be felt. The colour associated with this chakra is red, which indicates the ability to stand on firm ground and show self-confidence in all aspects of life.
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
The sacral chakra, also known as the Swadhisthana, is located just below the navel and is responsible for how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others in our life circle. The colour Orange represents sexual energy.
If the sacral chakra is blocked, it will show a lack of control, whereas an open chakra shows good sexual energy, well-being, and an abundance of controlled desires.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The solar plexus chakra, also known as the Manipur, is located in the upper and lower stomach. It is intensely used to provide a ‘gut feeling’ to many emotional states of awareness. The colour associated with this chakra is yellow, which represents a combination of feelings; some are unfamiliar to the individual, while others are new to them.
If this chakra is blocked, the person will feel shame and doubt. When opened, the person will understand the true self and feel the ability to be free, using self-expressions with confidence and totality.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The heart chakra, also known as the Anahata, is located at the midpoint between the upper chakras (spiritual level) and the lower set of chakras (maternity). This chakra can be seen as an influencer, providing and receiving love from ourselves and others around our aura.
If this chakra is blocked, it will show that someone has difficulty opening up feelings to themselves and others, but when the chakra is open, it will provide empathy and compassion. The colour associated with the heart chakra is Green, meaning love, inner peace, and joy in life.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The Throat Chakra communicates with the heart chakra, which opens to provide a voice. The throat chakra is blocked when a person can not find the words. The colours associated with this Chakra are Light blue and turquoise, which signifies Self-Expression and Truth.
6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
The third eye chakra, also known as the Swadhisthana, is located in the middle of the forehead under the brow. When the third eye is open, it brings in the ability to have clear visions, which can also be linked to a Psychic’s Clairvoyance abilities. The colour associated with the third eye is Dark Blue/Purple, indicating wisdom and imagination.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The crown chakra, also known as the Sahasrara, is located at the top of the crown and is violet-purple in colour. This indicates a high spiritual awareness. When a mixture of White and Purple is present in the root chakra, it shows the highest level being formulated.
Reiki Healing For Chakra Balancing

It’s understood that there is an energy field around each Chakra, and when you cleanse or balance any chakra, it can help heal your entire body. This is why we would use Reiki healing for balancing chakras—it has proven to be so beneficial!
Every person has chakras that can quickly become full of negative and unclean energies. This could be due to everyday activities, like workload, School pressures, and social responsibilities.
The methods described below will help you remove unwanted energy while, at the same time, learning how to balance your life to a high standard through practice. There are no age expectations for balance and chakra alignment or development. Many families are now participating in breathing, relaxation, and meditation activities to help unite spiritual awareness.
- Stand straight up, feet shoulder-width apart, and place hands on hips like a statue… Relax your shoulders and let them drop down as if they were heavyweights hanging off them (not clenching). Take several deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
- Close your eyes or focus on the light source.
- Visualize yourself standing at a temple entrance where you will receive special treatment from the Master Healer, complete with music and a healing ritual.
- Let the energy flow through you, and imagine the chakras opening up, letting out their negative as well as positive energy.
- Think of your chakra being cleansed or balanced by taking a deep breath through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth… Feel that all the negativity is offloaded into the ocean/sea (remember, it’s symbolic).
- Imagine yourself floating in a pool of water (refer to #5), with hundreds of tiny little fish swimming around you, cleaning off what you’ve just released
- Now that you feel more purified and purified, slowly stand up tall and open your eyes.
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